Queanbeyan and District Anglican Church
Queanbeyan, Karabar, Burra, Michelago, Jerrabomberra, Googong
Psalm - Third Sunday after Epiphany
Psalm 62.5-12

5 Nevertheless, my soul, wait in silence for God:
for from him comes my hope.
6 He only is my rock and my salvation:
my strong tower, so that I shall not be moved.
7 In God is my deliverance and my glory:
God is my strong rock and my shelter.
8 Trust in him at all times, O my people:
pour out your hearts before him, for God is our refuge.
9 The children of Adam are but breath,
the children of earth are a lie:
place them in the scales and they fly upward,
they are as light as air.
10 Put no trust in extortion,
do not grow worthless by robbery:
if riches increase, set not your heart upon them.
11 God has spoken once, twice have I heard him say:
that power belongs to God,
12 That to the Lord belongs a constant goodness:
for you reward each one of us according to our works.